Asphalt Batch Mix Plant Control Room

Asphalt Batch Mix Plant Control room is provided for plant control. The panel is divided in two main parts. Power Panel and control’s desk. In Power Panel all starter and Drivers are located. In control desk PLC, HMI and other controls are located.

All motors Start / Stop, the complete batching control and all material handing motors. Feeders, Asphalt pump and filler screw are controlled from the desk. The operator can easily operate the whole plant from the desk only. The main machine integrate ( MMI ) units allows setting and view data. The operator can enter plant selling’s like gradation % or select recipe, Batch Weight, Load, Temp, Units etc.

  2. ALSO WITH optional scada system
  3. brother make printer
  4. control cabinet tested with water test
  5. all switches are used from Siemens
  6. auto and manual mode both are given in control desk
  7. panel all extra accessories with iso standard
  8. burner control with

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